Magnesium Machine Shops
A.J.R. Industries, Inc. 117 Gordon Street Elk Grove, IL 60007 Tel: 847-439-0380 Web site: www.ajrindustries.com | VECCO 3811 Commerce Drive Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Tel: 586-977-9200 Web site: www.vecco.co |
Alpha Q, Inc. 87 Upton Road Colchester, CT 06415 Tel: 860-537-4681 Web site: www.alphaqinc.com | Northstar Aerospace, Inc. 401 South 36th Street Phoenix, AZ 85034 Tel: 602-275-4406 Web site: www.nsaero.com |
Precise Cast Prototypes and Engineering 7501 Dahlia Street Commerce City, CO 80022 Tel: 303-288-8221 Web site: precisecast.com | Precision Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. 419 Hill Street Biddeford, ME 04005 Tel: 207-282-6080 Web site: www.precision-mfg.com |
Cambridge Specialty Company, Inc. 588 Four Rod Road Berlin, CT 06037 Tel: 860-828-3579 Web site: www.cambridgespecialty.com | Western Precision Products, Inc. 21101 SW 115th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 Tel: 503.786.8923 Web site: www.westernprec.com |
Connecticut Tool & Manufacturing 35 Corporate Avenue Plaineville, CT 06062 Tel: 860-846-0800 Web site: www.whitcraftgroup.com | RDS Machine 248 North Main Street Newport, NH 03773 Tel: 603-863-4131 Web site: www.rdsmachine.com |
Custom Machine 30 Nashua Street Woburn, MA 01801 Tel: 781-935-4940 Web site: www.custommachineinc.com | Satellite Tool & Machine Company, Inc. 571 Nutmeg Road North South Windsor, CT 06074 Tel: 860-290-8558 Web site: www.satellitetoolmachine.net |
D&R Machine Company 1330 Industrial Highway Southampton, PA Tel: 215-526-2080 Web site: www.drmachine.com | PCX Aero Drive Systems 4 Peerless Way Enfield, CT 06082 Tel: 860-741-2546 Web site: www.pcxaero.com |
Delta Research Corp. 32971 Capitol Street Livonia, MI 48150 Tel: 734-261-6400 Web site: www.delrecorp.com | PCX Aero Drive Systems 586 Hilliard Street Manchester, CT 06040 Tel: 860-649-0000 Web site: www.aerodrivesystems.com |
Machine Sciences Corporation 11501 SW AMU Street Tualatin, OR 97062 Tel: 503-682-9980 Web site: www.machinesciences.com | Triumph Gear Systems-Macomb 15375 23 Mile Road Macomb, MI 48042-4000 Tel: 586-992-8838 Web site: www.triumphgroup.com |
Machinist Group 1045 Telegraph Street Reno, NV 89502 Tel: 775-365-9449 Web site: www.machinistgroup.com | Responsible Metal Fab, Inc. 1256 Lawrence Station Rd. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: 408-734-0713 Web site: www.responsiblemetal.com |
Prescott Aerospace 6600 E. 6th Street Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 Tel: 928-772-7605 Web site: www.prescottaerospace.com | Vanpro Incorporated 820 Cleveland St. South Cambridge, MN 55008 Tel: 763-689-1559 Web site: www.vanpro-inc.com |
Machine Specialties, Inc. 6511 Franz Warner Parkway Whitsett, NC 27377 Tel: 336-603-1919 Web site: www.machspec.com |
Magnesium Die Casters
Chicago White Metal Casting 649 N. Route 83 Bensenville, IL 60106-1382 Tel: 630-595-4424 Web site: www.cwmdiecast.com | Product Technologies, Inc. 310 Congress Street West Maple Lake, MN 55358 Tel: 320-963-3200 Web site: www.paceind.com |
Meridan Technologies 25 MacNab Avenue Strathroy, ON N7G 4H6 Tel: 519-246-9600 Web site: www.meridian-mag.com | Twin City Die Casting 520 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Tel: 763-271-5060 Web site: www.tcdcinc.com |
Parkway Products, Inc. Magnesium Thixomolding 4150 St. Cloud Drive Loveland, CO 80538 Tel: 970-593-0033 Web site: www.parkwayproducts.com | Phillips Plastics Corporation Magnesium Thixomolding 2930 Mondovi Road Eau Claire, WI 54701 Tel: 715-831-3100 Web site: www.molex.com |
Molded Magnesium Products, LLC 2336 E High St. Jackson, MI 49203 Tel: 888-481-9512 Web site: www.mmpmg.com |
Magnesium Sand Foundries
Aristo Cast, Inc. 7400 Research Drive Almont, MI 48003 Tel: 810-798-2900 Web site: www.aristo-cast.com | Magellan Aerospace Corporation Haley Industries Division 634 Magnesium Road Haley, ON K0J 1Y0 Tel: 613-432-8841 Web site: www.magellanaerospace.com |
Magellan Aerospace Corporation Presto Casting Division 5401 West Luke Avenue Glendale, AZ 85301 Tel: 623-939-9411 Web site: www.magellanaerospace.com | Magnesium Alloy Products 2420 N. Alamedia Street Compton, CA 90222-2804 Tel: 310-605-1440 Web site: www.magnesiumalloy.com |
Chicago Magnesium 14101 South Seeley Avenue Blue Island, IL 60406 Tel: 708-597-1300 Web site: www.chicagomagnesium.com | Mitchell Aerospace 350 Decarie Boulevard St. Laurent, Quebec H4L 3K5 Tel: 514-748-3447 Web site: www.mitchellaerospace.com |
Fansteel Wellman Dynamics 7146 Commerce Road Creston, OA 50801 Tel: 641-782-8521 Web site: www.wellmandynamics.com | Precise Cast Prototypes and Engineering 7501 Dahlia Street Commerce City, CO 80022 Tel: 303-288-8221 Web site: www.precisecast.com |
Lite Metals Company 700 North Walnut Street Ravenna, OH 44266 Tel: 330-296-6110 Web site: www.litemetals.com | Aeromet International Limited – Sittingbourne Foundry Eurolink Way Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3RN Tel: +44 (0)1795-415000 Web site: www.aeromet.co.uk |
Consolidated Precision Products Minneapolis Operation 8701 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55420 Tel: 952-881-1100 Web site: www.cppcorp.com | Thompson Aluminum Casting Company 5161 Canal Road Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125 Tel: 216-206-2781 Web site: www.thompsoncasting.com |
Curto-Ligonier Foundries Co. 1215 N. 31st. Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160 Tel: 708-345-2250 Web site: www.curto.com | Yankee Magcast Company P.O. Box 243 Shaker Road Enfield, CT 06082 Tel: 860-749-6171 Web site: www.yankeecasting.com |